Thursday, August 16, 2007

A word in season~~


Quote - ' Adopt the pace of nature, her secret is patience.' - Ralph Waldo Emerson

You're going to love this;

Patience is strength of Spirit. She is the measure of our capacity.

Short spirit, short patience, long spirit, long patience.

Patience bears heavy loads with a happy attitude, without complaining.

Patience is something I decide to receive, to embrace.

Say, 'I decide to be patient. I recieve patience now.'

Patience is nourished through trial, strengthened through pressure.

Whatever you are facing right now, it is increasing your patience.

This is turn increases your capacity.

Increased capacity increases your success.

Be patient, it will 'surely come to pass.'


been a loooong day..
if only i can go one round, things wont look so tension
then again,
need to be careful.. aye aye aye

yea, patience.... patience, amen to that. =)

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